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Firestrip® 30

An Intumescent Strip Sealant 12mm x 3mm which can provide 30 minutes resistance to the passage of fire and smoke when used to glaze a wide variety of glass types into internal doors and softwood or hardwood timber screens. Please ask our Technical Team technicalservices@hodgsonsealants.com to send you a copy of our Certifire certificate CF297 for clear and concise application details for Firestrip® 30 and Firestrip® 60 and new increased glass sizes, or download it here.

BWF Certifire approved (CF297) intumescent glazing tape. Tested to BS 476 EN 1634: Part 4 and EN 1364: Part 1. Also available in individually boxed trade packs for retailers.


Provides 30 minutes’ fire resistance to the passage of fire in timber doors and screens. Can be used with a wide variety of insulating and non-insulating fire glass types, please refer to the product data sheet for further information.

  • Fully tested and approved
  • Quick, clean and easy to apply
  • BWF Certifire Scheme Certificate No. CF297 for use in timber screens and doors for periods of 30 minutes fire resistance
  • Excellent high tack surface provides good adhesion
  • Tested with a wide variety of non-insulating and insulating glass types
  • Can be overcoated with paints and decorative wood stains
  • Very cost effective compared to other rigid/semi-rigid fire resistant materials
  • Non-toxic


Application temperature range: +5°C to +30°C
Shelf life: 12 months when stored flat in original packaging in cool, dry conditions.


Surface preparation: All surfaces should be clean, dry and free from frost, grease and loose materials.

Application: Secure one set of glazing beads to act as a rebate if the opening is not already rebated. Pins or screws should be angled at 45°. Apply Firestrip® 30 on the paper along the rebate upstand of the top rebate by running the edge of the backing paper along the rebate platform so that the strip comes up to the sightline. For larger rebates it may be necessary to lift the paper above the platform to ensure that the Firestrip® 30 comes up to the sightline. Repeat the application to the sides and then the bottom rebate. Remove backing paper. Butt the corner joints, do not overlap. Position setting blocks. Centralise glass in frame on setting blocks. Press firmly around the edge of the glass to ensure that contact with the surface of Firestrip® 30 is achieved. Apply Firestrip® 30 to the glass in the same way as it was applied to the upstands by running the edge of the paper along the rebate platform or alternatively direct to the beads. Remove the backing paper. Bed the beads to the Firestrip® 30 by applying pressure to obtain good contact between the strip and the bead. Fix the beads with pins or screws in accordance with the design requirements of the installation. Pins or screws should be angled at 45° to pass beneath the glass.Trim off any Firestrip® 30 above the sight line with a sharp knife.

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£194.10 (incl. VAT)

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* UK Mainland only
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